Coding FooBar

NextJS + Supabase: The best combo to build your digital product

I’ve been working recently in developing some new projects and I’ve found this combo to be the best for rapid iteration for medium-complexity projects. Why? Easy to be up and running in less than 30 minutes. You can create new new NextJS project and integrate it with a new Supabase database and deploy it using […]

Coding Front End

Stop building web apps that should be done by specs

Why are we still, on 2021, building login/register/forgot my password pages? Most of the web based applications are just glorified API endpoints that are encapsulated in a GUI to provide a better User Experience. But there is no solution to auto-generate this pages and interactions for me, in a customizable way. I don’t want the […]

Coding FooBar Front End

Premature complexity: an enemy of innovation

For +13 years or more than 12k hours, I’ve been trying to solve problems using code. Of those, I found myself over and over again surrounded of the same principles: “Don’t Repeat Yourself, Keep it Simple Stupid, Write Once Test Twice, etc”. I’ve tried to abide by those as much as possible. But I found […]

Coding Front End

Graceful Coding

Early guide for human centered software As time pass, I feel more drawn to the principle that coding should be gracious toward humans. When we code, and if we do that in a professional manner, we do it for others in the future. For our customers, for our colleagues, even for our future selves. Sometimes […]