
build until you can’t

the journey is the goal I was in love with the destination. the journey was just an annoyance, a poor investment, a necessary pain. However, in a painful discovery I’ve found that the goal is an illusive image. The sooner you write it down the better it is to just forget it. Use it as […]


You are replaceable unless you bring value

The current post-industrial – technocratic – era will transform organizations. Before, you (as put nicely by Seth Godin) needed to comply. A set of rules, a book of norms, and 100 page manual. Your job was to follow the rules and punch the card. Now, I am starting to see a new type of organizations […]


Trust > Voice > Choice > Direction

One of the traits of being a leader is that you live to influence others, a Maxwell trademark. Normally people think they can influence only when they are held in possitions of power. But I found it wrong. I found that is possible to change the circumstances around you without having to be the “boss”. […]